- akce již proběhla.
XXIX International Scientific Conference of Polish, Czech and Slovak Foundrymen „Wspolpraca 2023”
26.4.2023 - 28.4.2023
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Dear Sir or Madam,
on behalf of the Organizational Committee, I have the honor to participate in XXIX International Scientific Conference of Polish, Czech and Slovak Foundrymen „Wspolpraca 2023”. The conference will be held on April 26-28, 2023, in the Royal Castle in Niepolomice.
Detailed information about the conference: https://www.konferencja-wspolpraca.agh.edu.pl/
Registration for participation: https://www.konferencja-wspolpraca.agh.edu.pl/registration/
We cordially invite you!
Chairperson of the Organizational Committee The Conference „Współpraca 2023” Katarzyna Major-Gabryś
Bližší informace ke konferenci jsou na webových stránkách: